On 14 September 2023, NextGenMicrofluidics members Anja Haase (JR) and Maciej Skolimowski (Micronit) were invited to speak at the final dissemination event of the H2020 project PRIME entitled, “Microfluidics in their PRIME: Microfluidic Chips, Active Valves, Smart Sensors, and What Comes Next”. The event took place at TUtheSky on the campus of the Technical University of Vienna, where the consortium presented their results alongside others in the field of microfluidics.
At the top-floor location with panoramic views of Vienna, PRIME partners shared their results to invited members of the microfluidics community. Then, Anja Haase presented the project with her talk “NextGenMicrofluidics: Platform for upscaling of microfluidic chips on foil substrates”. Maciej Skolimowski presented “Automation and flow control in microfluidic devices – application examples in Organ-on-a-Chip and medical diagnostics systems”.
In addition, NGM project manager Clemens Wolf (BNN) briefly introduced the Advanced Microfluidics Initiative (AMI) during the networking session.
View the program and event here.