Live demonstration of SARS-CoV-2 antibody test

Dr. Max Sonnleitner, CEO of GENSPEED Biotech GmbH, a partner of JOANNEUM RESEARCH, presented the company’s COVID-19 test portfolio at the MATERIALS Institute and enabled 20 MATERIALS employees to perform a rapid antibody test for the new SARS-CoV-2 virus.
The link to the original article is no longer available.

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Our latest publication in the journal “Lab on a Chip”

We are proud that the paper “High-throughput roll-to-roll production of polymer biochips for multiplexed DNA detection in point-of-care diagnostics” has been published in Lab on a Chip!

NGM Flyer Download

In the link below you find our new NextGenMicrofluidics flyer, which you are welcome to download and print out.

Interview with NGM in Austrian newspaper (German)

In todays issue of the Kleine Zeitung is an interview with Martin Smolka and Pelin Tören Özgün from JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH about the NGM project.

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NGM technology presented in Newsletter article (German)

„Wir ermöglichen mit unseren Rolle-zu-Rolle-Technologien als Hochdurchsatzfertigung von Diagnostikchips eine konkurrenzlos günstige Methode‚ Schnelltests für ‚alle‘ zu entwickeln und in Umlauf zu bringen.”

Download Botenstoff HERE and view the article about the H2020 project Nextgenmicrofluidics on page 6 (in German).